The Guardian's gameblog collected anecdotes of reader's wii gaming experiences over the christmas period - and the experiences were a: plentiful; and b: similar. anyone with a wii found that non-gamers wanted to play, often to the exclusion of the actual gamer/ console owner:
But the real Christmas success story was the Wii. When your mother in law (61) wants to have her first ever go on a games console you know things have changed. Similarly my wife's friends were, after initial reticence formed by years of disinterest/fear of getting it "wrong", keen to's hard to find just one quote to pull from the thread, as they all say the same thing: the wii wins:
Time magazine agrees, as it made Wii Sports it's Game of the Year.Yep, the Wii stole my family xmas as well. Yes, my mum now wants one of her own, and yes, a few bits of furniture took a few hefty knocks from the wiimote.
Probably played more Wii Sports Golf than I ever will by myself, and that's the mark of a great facilitator, making you want to be social and hopefully revolutionising the stereotype of gamers as antisocial loners.
wii play: the video
video of some non-gamers enjoying their wii over the holiday season. possibly too much.
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