Tuesday, February 13

Use Case VII

gaming, or metagaming, via mobile

A mobile/ VoIP software provider company by the name of Comverse has demonstrated a software application that allows users to run Second Life on their mobile phones.

Well, it enables interaction between a remote PC running the software client and the mobile phone, sending snapshots to the handset, and managing avatar interaction via IM and SMS. According to a Reuters report, it is not quite the same as usual SL interaction: they quote a Comverse representative as saying
“[Second Life] 0n the handset [is] a little more limited — it’s hard writing long sentences. It’s more just popping in, seeing who’s visiting your area.”

Nevertheless, the gaming case here is pretty strong - and closely linked to the earlier post about the possible uses of the Zune: gaming or at least metagaming (ie, checking on who is in yuor area, conducting trades, updating inventories, etc), streamed to mobile devices, is a whole new potential revenue stream for mobile operators, telcos, and game/ virtual world publishers.

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